
Thank You!

Without the following people and organizations, this year’s project would not be possible!

Dr. Steven Hallam

CIFAR Scholar and Associate Professor – Principal investigator provided with laboratory space and guidance 

Dr. Christian Steidl, MD

Director, Centre for Lymphoid Cancer – Provided KM-H2 and HL-60 cell lines 

Elena Vigano 

Postdoctoral Research Fellow Steidl Lab – Liaison between Steidl Lab and UBC BIOMOD

Dr. Jennifer Bonderoff

Hallam lab – Administrative coordination between Dr.Hallam and BIOMOD

Dr. Cal Roskelley

Professor & Interim Co-Acting Department Head in the Department of Cellular and Physiological Sciences – Provides space for cell culture

Erin Bell

Cell biology & cancer research graduate student in Roskelley Lab – Helps with microscope reading and gives guidance with cell culture

Andy Johnson

ubcFLOW Facility Manager – Aided with flow cytometry 

Pamela Austin

Lab Manager of Dr. Rostkelley Lab – Coordinated laboratory space usage

Miki Fujita, PhD

Research manager Bioimaging facility (BIF) – Instructed SEM

Derrick Horne

Electron Microscopy Technician – Instructed SEM with Mika

 William Yue 

CMMT Store Manager – Purchased materials

Timothy Wong 

Assistant Facility Manager – Confocal imaging



Dr. Fred Rossell 

Research Associate in Dr. Natalie Strynadka’s Lab – Provided Cary 4000 UV-Vis Spectrophotometer 

Ben Herring

Shared Instrument Facility (SIF) – Provided & guided AFM and CD machine usage


Platinum Tier

Ecosystem Services, Commercialization Platforms and Entrepreneurship (ECOSCOPE)

ECOSCOPE is a NSERC CREATE training program that provides UBC students and post-docs with professional and entrepreneurial training to augment research skills and empower personnel to commercialize their innovations.  Their vision is to create a new generation of scientific entrepreneurs in Canada, poised to start new companies, develop independent scientific programs or join a burgeoning biological engineering sector in need of HQP personifying, logic, scientific creativity and the drive to make an impact in an emerging bio-economy.

Gold Tier


InRetail Asia provides management services for complex, high quality projects in the Retail and Commercial sector.  They combine a proven track record and the knowledge of local markets, with a real understanding of the built environment and the specific needs of clients.

Silver Tier

Bronze Tier

University Faculty Funding